  • Red Cypress Rice Container
  • Red Cypress Rice Container
  • Red Cypress Rice Container
  • Red Cypress Rice Container
  • Red Cypress Rice Container
  • Red Cypress Rice Container
  • Red Cypress Rice Container
  • Red Cypress Rice Container
  • Red Cypress Rice Container
  • Red Cypress Rice Container
  • Red Cypress Rice Container
  • Red Cypress Rice Container

Red Cypress Rice Container

This rice container is made of untreated Sawara, a Japanese cypress known for its luster and blushed pink surface. Traditionally, rice should be transferred to a wooden container straight after cooking. The container absorbs excess steam and moisture from the freshly cooked rice, maintaining the firmness of the grain and stopping it from overcooking in its original pot. Since rice cookers have become more popular, this practice has been slowly disappearing. However, it is coming back as people recognize the ways in which it improves the quality of cooked rice. 

This container is is made by hand with precision craftsmanship. Carefully sourced, straight-grained Sawara is cut into barrel like slats, and bamboo hoops are used to tighten them into a sturdy structure, which is then secured with bamboo nails.

Measurements: H: 5.25" D: 7.5"

Care Instructions: With repeated use, the texture of the wood will soften making it a pleasing tool to use every day. After each use, wash thoroughly with lukewarm water, avoid direct sunlight, and dry in a well-ventilated place.



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